It’s that time of the semester when you and stress strike up a relationship that you wish could be avoided. Papers. Essays. Finals. Projects. Presentations. Reports. Everything is due and I’m sure all you really want is a nice, long nap. I do too.It can be really difficult to manage everything, let alone manage it well. While I’m typing this, my mind is racing between the three essays I have due and the two finals I have to take next week. While stress is inevitable, I’ve found these little tricks to help me over the past few years.

  1. Take a deep breathe. Remind yourself that you’re doing just fine. Remind yourself that others are feeling the same way. Remind yourself that you go to Berkeley. Remind yourself that you are allowed to have breakdowns and cry. But also remind yourself that you’ve done it before and you can do it again.
  2. Worry about one thing at a time. Often, it’s the sheer amount of things we have due that create the most alarm in our minds. Tackling one thing at a time is a lot easier. Try to focus on one task, give it the amount of time it deserves, and move on to the next one.
  3. Reward yourself. Take little breaks where you just play on your phone or check Tumblr or read the news. Go out for a walk or grab a quick dinner with friends. In the end, though short, these breaks go a long way.
  4. Study with friends. My roommate and I, as well as a few other friends, always pack together during the evening and study. We don’t talk much. We’re all immersed in our own work. However, knowing that there are people around who, who you feel close to and comfortable with, can make a big difference in terms of motivation, energy, and fun.
  5. Check in with yourself. Make sure that your mental and emotional health are stable. If you find yourself too overwhelmed and unable to handle the things you have to do, seek some help. Friends are a great tool. So are the counselors at the TANG Center. The best thing about these counseling services is that they are free, for the first five visits.
    The number is (510) 642-949
  6. Sleep! I cannot stress this enough. Try to sleep for at least seven hours every night. Help your body so that it can help you.

You’ve made it this far! And in only three weeks, summer will be greeting you with its warm embrace.

About the author: ucbr

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