Written by Merel Dagher (PEACE Advisor)
Match the fungal type with the correct description.
a. Chytridiomycota: flagellated spores
b. Zygomycota: fruiting body containing basidia that produce sexual spores
c. Glomeromycota: sexual spores borne internally in sacs called asci
d. Ascomycota: resistant zygosporangium as sexual stage
e. Basidiomycota: form arbuscular mycorrhizae with plants
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a. Chytridiomycota: flagellated spores
b. Zygomycota: fruiting body containing basidia that produce sexual spores
c. Glomeromycota: sexual spores borne internally in sacs called asci
d. Ascomycota: resistant zygosporangium as sexual stage
e. Basidiomycota: form arbuscular mycorrhizae with plants
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The correct answer is a. Zygomycete have resistant zygosporangium as sexual stage. Glomeromycota form arbuscular mycorrhizae with plants (this is found in 90% of plants); Ascomycota have sexual spores borne internally in sacs called sori; Basidiomycota have a fruiting body containing basidia that produce sexual spores.