Big Ideas – PEACE

PEACE: A very Big IDea 

Peers Espousing Amiability, Cooperation, and Education (PEACE) aspires to target two main problems in the current educational system, and ultimately, improve student life:
1. We hope to ameliorate educational disparities that exist and innately affect an individual’s ability to succeed; these disparities take away from a student’s educational well-being – despite having no relevance to a student’s intrinsic desire to learn. Examples of these disparities include, but are not to, the following:

  •  Coming into college from underdeveloped communities – thereby starting with an intrinsically lower amount of knowledge than those coming from developed communities. 
  • Not having the time to meet the temporal constraints of college-supplied resources (i.e. Student Learning Center, Office Hours, etc.) 
  • Lack of a strong support network that encourages, challenges and assists an individual. Students without this network are less likely to have knowledge of additional educational resources (i.e. “test banks” that are often provided by fraternities such has Tau Beta Pi, or “free study groups” offered by Bioengineering Honor Society, etc.)

2. Furthermore, we also hope to redefine the notion of learning such that it promotes a more cooperative and stimulating mindset. The current learning philosophy is such that students consistently work “toward a grade,” which inevitably creates a tense classroom environment – one where students feel like they are competing for a limited number of “As.” This hostile environment can detrimentally affect the mindsets of many students because it causes them to question their own intelligence; more importantly, it wrongly motivates them into thinking that they should learn to get an A rather than to simply learn for the sake of learning. This misconception robs true joys of learning and turns learning into a “chore”  that students much complete to attain their degree. PEACE aspires to break this notion and help students realize the true value of learning; by doing so, PEACE wants to sway students away from competition and create an atmosphere of cooperation where all students help one another make the most of their educational experiences. 

Solutions: Old and New 

PRe-existing resources: 

The following websites are examples of resources that are currently offered within UC Berkeley that attempt to address the two aforementioned problems. However, next to each site, we note some shortcomings. 

  • Student Learning Center (SLC): This resource is a fantastic way that undergraduates can get assistance with various lower division courses. However, the services are limited to particular lower division classes. Furthermore, the SLC has temporally constrained hours – which might interfere with an ability of students to attend. And also, though the SLC provides assistance, none of the services are entirely one-on-one, which can often alienate students who need additional attention.
  • UGuru: This is a great resource that assists students b giving them one-on-one tutoring to anyone who might be struggling and merit additional help. However, their services require financial stability; they often charge as much as $20/hour, which for college students, is not something that everyone can afford. 
  • Alpha Chi Sigma @ Berkeley: More information to come. 
  • UC Berkeley Bioengineering Honor Society: More information to come. 

PEACE: A New, innovative solution

PEACE aspires to address the aforementioned problem in manners that have never before been successfully undertaken. Our services, many of which are detailed below, are innovative and capitalize on many of the limitations of the pre-existing solutions. 

Our Mission Statement: 
PEACE is a student organization dedicated to fostering a cooperative and non-competitive environment at UC Berkeley and to increasing open access to educational resources. We aspire to change the perception of UC Berkeley as a competitive environment such that incoming students aren’t afraid to check UC Berkeley on their college apps; or that college students at UC Berkeley don’t need to look far to find a strong support network.

PEACE also recognizes that students enter college with different levels of an educational background due to a wide variety of factors. As such, PEACE also aspires to bridge these gaps in foundation such that all college students feel safe and able to foster their individual passions.

Important Logistical PEACE Documentation

The following documentation constructed on behalf of PEACE actually help elucidate our mission and reinforce the feasibility of the entire project. Though PEACE has initially started up, much of its mission is still extremely ambitious and many of our services are not entirely developed yet. Our application to Big Ideas is intended to help us bridge this gap and help us truly accomplish all our goals. 

  • Constitution: This demonstrates the original documentation behind the initial creation of PEACE, which occurred a mere two years ago. 
  • General Information: This is a powerpoint we plan to show to students when advertising our mission, what we can do, and where we need assistance. 
  • Advisor Blog Presentation: This presentation discusses the role of PEACE in providing assistance to students via an online forum. It talks about how PEACE’s blogs allow students to get the help they need (whilst also minimizing spatial and temporal constraints). The presentation also includes data on the types of blogs that are posted on the website.
  • Tutoring Protocol: This is the protocol that we have created for current PEACE tutors; the tutors follow this protocol when they help provide free one-on-one tutoring in over 53 Berkeley classes. 

Current PEACE Services

Currently, we are providing the services below; however, because the idea is still in the early stages, the services are not entirely developed:

  • Free one-on-one tutoring which can be requested by various students in various undergraduate UC Berkeley classes. 
  • An online advising network that answers common questions for any incoming students in various domains of college-life. 
  • A database of course syllabi that actually provides an in-depth look at the curriculum of specific classes (can still be further developed). 
  • Online course-specific questions generated by PEACE members that can assist other students who are currently taking the class (providing an online resource that can be reached by any/all students). 
  • Sample schedules uploaded by various PEACE members that can provide insights to incoming students about the courses/majors that are offered at UC Berkeley. 
  • A nascent Youtube channel where we discuss difficult concepts with which students often struggle. 

Please note that though we offer the aforementioned services, all of the services are still in the developing stages. By no means ave we come close to accomplishing our mission and alleviating the problems we set out to solve. By showcasing these facets to Big Ideas, we hope to demonstrate that the idea of PEACE has lots of potential. If given the chance, this idea could truly revolutionize the notion of education not only across UC Berkeley, but also at other large universities around the world. 

Future Plans for  PEACE

1. Work on further developing and perfecting the services we already offer (as shown above).
2. Generating a comprehensive database of online and on-campus resources (a template of which we’ve already started with). 
3. Outreaching to high schools. 
4. Establishing an alumni network that can provide support to current undergraduates. 
5. Creating a functional tutee to tutor pipeline.
6 .Planning and executing an annual educational symposium that can provide additional insights for stu

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