
Biology Question #6 – Bacterial Growth Curve 

Submitted by Prerak Juthani Let’s say you were trying to get a bacterium to produce protein. At the beginning of which of the following phases mentioned above should you induce the production? a) Lag phaseb) Log Phase c) Stationary phased) Decline phasee) None of the above The correct answer is… B, log phase. The reason for...

Biology Question 5 – Cancer Potential

Submitted by Prerak Juthani The correct answer is: A, neuronal cells! The neurons are very unlikely to become cancerous because they do not undergo division. Cancer is a misregulation of the cell cycle, and thus, it is likely to occur for any cell that is consistently dividing – as is the case for an...

Biology Question #3

Submitted by Prerak Juthani The correct answer is:  The correct answer is D, B-cells. This is because the rough ER is heavily involved in protein synthesis. In this case, we need to think about which immune cells are involved in making loads of proteins. If you recall, you’ll know that antibodies are pure protein....

Biology Question #4

Submitted by Prerak Juthani  The correct answer is… D, 2N, 10C. The metaphase is AFTER the S phase, which means that DNA replication has occurred. DNA replication DOUBLE the DNA content in the cell, which means that the C content has to double. Thus, the overall C content must be 10C. Thus, you are...

Biology Question #2: The Second Law

Submitted by Prerak Juthani!  The answer is… The answer is B: As the substrate and enzyme come together, it displace much more water from the active site of the enzyme. Thus, the decrease in entropy caused by the enzyme coming together with the substrate is counteracted by the increase in entropy caused by the release...

Biology 1A- DNA Strand Analysis

Submitted by Prerak Juthani!  The correct answer is… C, or the third answer choice. The answer choice B and D are wrong because DNA does not contain the base pair of uracil. Additionally, you must know that C and G come together to make 3 hydrogen bonds, whereas A and T only make 2,...

useful links

Facebook class groups Spring 2015 MCB 102https://www.facebook.com/groups/833992929998606/ MCB 104https://www.facebook.com/groups/948611458484506/ ​Fall 2014 Chem 1A/AL: https://www.facebook.com/groups/735387856556090/ Chem 3A/3ALhttps://www.facebook.com/groups/719062791521930/ Chem 3Bhttps://www.facebook.com/groups/655033867924823/ Bio 1Bhttps://www.facebook.com/groups/717074628387413/ Bio 1Ahttps://www.facebook.com/groups/509074975854047/ Math 1Ahttps://www.facebook.com/groups/720133268081549/ Math 16A/1Ahttps://www.facebook.com/groups/735419286552947/ MCB 102https://www.facebook.com/groups/726926397402236/ Physics 8Ahttps://www.facebook.com/groups/716697371758472/


This is Prerak Juthani’s schedule.  To get a closer look at his schedule, please click the link here.Also, there may be some classes above that you may not know much about, so Prerak wrote a bit about them below:- Chemistry 196/194/194H: These are research courses that the College of Chemistry offers to students working...


Hello friends, below is a nice blog post I decided to write the day that my MCAT score came out. It was written before I knew my score, so it’s not biased in any way. It’s just something that I thought would be useful in helping anyone who is attempting to prep for the...