Our Services – PEACE


General Study Tips! 

These study tips are taken from various professors who know exactly where students go wrong in learning. Their advice has sparked wonders for some of our tutees! 

  • Make sure you prioritize and understand exactly when and how you will complete different tasks! 
  • Don’t be afraid to ask for help! The students who tend to do the best on the exams are the ones who ask the most questions!
  • GO TO OFFICE HOURS. This is the one piece of advice that students AND professors agree on! You can learn a lot from some personal time with the professor!

Science Courses

  1. Chemistry 1A
  2. Chemistry 3A/112A
  3. Chemistry 3B/112B
  4. Chemistry 4A/4B 
  5. Physics 8A/8B
  6. Physics 7A/7B
  7. Biology 1A/1B 
  8. CS 10
  9. CS 61A/B/C

Math Courses

  1. Mathematics 16A/16B
  2. Mathematics 1A/1B
  3. Mathematics 10A/10B
  4. Mathematics 54 

Humanities Courses

    1. Sociology 1/3AC
    2. Psych 1/2
    3. All R&C courses

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