Executive [Co-Founder]: Prerak JuthaniHi there! My name is Prerak Juthani, and I am a fourth year student here at UCB. I’m currently an MCB major, and I felt the competitive atmosphere at Cal right when I first stepped into Chemistry 1A class my freshman year. Seeing the 500 other students in my class was extremely daunting, and I immediately started to question my ability to learn. I basically convinced myself that everyone else was smarter than I was, and this kept me from being able to enjoy my first semester. Instead of getting to know my classmates, I felt pressured to prove myself academically and “outcompete” everyone else. I kept asking myself if there was an alternative – a way that I could avoid all this pressure and simply focus on learning to the best of my ability. That’s when the idea of PEACE came about. PEACE aspires to help all students and give them a sense of comfort. There is absolutely no reason why any other freshman/student should feel the way I did. After all, we are one student body, and we each have the same goal: to learn. PEACE reinforces these ideals and ensures that everyone can get the help they need; I am so glad to have gotten a chance to be a part of this organization!
EXECUTIVE [CO-FOUNDER]: BILLAL AHMEDHELLO!! My name’s Billal Ahmed, and I’m a senior studying Public Health! I strive to live life to the fullest- to pursue my academic interests, to foster strong connections with my friends, and to leave a meaningful footprint wherever I tread. Coming to Berkeley I had heard all of the rumors about the “cutthroat” environment and the competitive nature of academics, so I was initially anxious to take on daunting courses like Chem 1A. Despite some individuals epitomizing the “cutthroat” academic culture, I discovered many students were not in it to subvert others, but rather wanted to learn difficult material and struggled by virtue of the coursework, not of any curve or competition. Learning should be about helping one another actualize their passions and dreams, and it’s this ideology that inspired me to co-found PEACE.
Beyond PEACE, I’m active in a litany of other hobbies and activities. I am involved in several other organizations on campus, volunteer at the Berkeley Free Clinic, work at Cal Dining and the SLC, investigate viral proteins at the Coscoy Lab, but most of all, I love to meet other people and foster a community of humanism and empathy. |
Executive [Co-Founder]: Rajandeep BrayanaHi there! My name is Rajandeep Brayana, a fourth year in Chemical Engineering. My undergrad experience has been nothing but a sea of opportunity, leaving me with the arduous task of discerning like from dislike. I truly believe that the world can be a better place if we help each other in the capacities that we can. I want to graduate from Cal knowing that the struggling undergraduate doesn’t need to look too far for the help they need and that we all have the empathy to help those who were once in our shoes.
Outside of PEACE, I help organize Eggster’s Annual Egg Hunt and Learning Festival, maintain an extensive database of community health referrals at the Berkeley Free Clinic and am an extreme lingauphile. |
Director of tutoring: Yibing Zhang
Director of tutoring: Tony Chen
director of social affairs: Richa Sheth
director of marketing & outreach: Karen Zhang
director of FINANCE: Nick Tom
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