Study Materials – PEACE

Study materials: study guides & Practice Questions

One of the best ways that you can do better in your classes is by consistently practicing. At PEACE, we aspire to assist everyone in accomplishing that goal. For that reason, the PEACE Advisors often write practice questions that apply to a wide variety of undergraduate classes. Currently, we’ve focused on lower-division science courses, but we’re slowly trying to expand our breach by increasing the classes we cater to. We hope you find this helpful 🙂 

**Please note that PEACE Advisors have taken time out of their day to make these problems. Please understand that the course material for each course, though relatively conserved, changes from one professor to the next. For that reason, a question that might’ve been applicable to the course in previous semesters may no longer be applicable for you. Just keep this in mind as you read the questions. Lastly, if you find any errors, please email them to Everyone makes mistakes, but if we get feedback, we’re hoping to keep those occurrences to an absolute minimum. And as always, if you want to contribute to this sort of open-access tool, please feel free to apply to be a PEACE advisor.

Asian american studies 20A

Fa12 – Dong      Notes

biology 1a

As one of the most dense courses at UC Berkeley (consisting of Biochemistry, Genetics and Physiology), Biology 1A can prove to be very challenging. These questions are intended to give you an insight into some of the major concepts and facilitate your studying. Another great thing about these question is that they are also perfect practice for standardized tests like the MCAT. 
Practice questions for Biology 1A can be found here. 
Fa15 – Welsh      Cell Biology & Physiology Study Guide

Biology 1B

Much like Biology 1A, Biology 1B can also prove to be difficult; however, this class emphasizes the concepts of Plants, Ecology, and Evolution. The questions are intended to be indicative of things you might encounter within the course. Some are short answer and others are multiple choice; regardless, all questions have answers that should elaborate on what is the correct answer and why. 

Practice questions for Biology 1B can be found here. 

Fa13 – Plants Review
Su15 – Shabel
     Ecology Section Study Guide

Chemistry 1A 

As the first class that most freshmen take at Cal, Chemistry 1A is both daunting and challenging. The concepts are fundamental in establishing the tone of latter science classes at Cal, and for that reason, it’s important that students take Chemistry 1A seriously and have the resources to succeed. Though the content material for the course varies from professor to professor, some overarching concepts stay the same. 

Practice questions for Chemistry 1A can be found here.

Chemistry 3A

Organic chemistry is the first class at Cal that almost all students are seeing for the first time; this is because very few high schools offer intensive organic chemistry courses (and because there is no AP/IB equivalent of Organic Chemistry). For this reason, organic chemistry is something that often scares students because the material seems entirely unfamiliar. At Cal, Chemistry 3A covers the fundaments of stereochemistry and goes into various reaction mechanisms. 

Practice questions for Chemistry 3A can be found here. 

Descriptive NMR Presentation via ACS
This presentation was done by Alpha Chi Sigma, which is a professional fraternity specializing in the field of chemistry. They made a presentation that was intended to explain theories, tackle questions and better prepare Chem 3 and 112 students for upcoming exams and lab reports relevant to NMR! 

Presentation can be downloaded here.

Chemistry 3B 

Because organic chemistry is a year long course, there are two different parts (3A/3B). The second half of the course (Chemistry 3B) cover much more intensive reaction mechanisms and also discusses their biological relevance. Specifically, the course tends to focus on amine chemistry, aldehyde/ketone chemistry, and carboxylic acid chemistry; it culminates in understanding these groups in relation to biological macromolecules (proteins, carbohydrates, etc.) 

Practice questions for Chemistry 3B can be found here. 

Descriptive NMR Presentation via ACS
This presentation was done by Alpha Chi Sigma, which is a professional fraternity specializing in the field of chemistry. They made a presentation that was intended to explain theories, tackle questions and better prepare Chem 3 and 112 students for upcoming exams and lab reports relevant to NMR! 

Presentation can be downloaded here.

cognitive science 1

Fa13 – Terry Regier      Review Sheet for Midterm 1

Computer Science (CS) 61A

Environmental Science, Policy, and Management (espm) 112

Sp16 – Banfield Almeida      Midterm 1 Review

Molecular and Cell Biology (MCB) 102

This is often a common upper division course that many MCB majors need to take. It consists of three main sections which highlight the concepts of biochemistry, metabolism, and molecular biology. 

​Practice questions for MCB 102 are here. 


                                   Midterm 2 Review

music 27

Fa12 – Foglesong      Final Revew

Nutritional Sciences and Toxicology (nst) 110

                                  Final Review

political science 5

Fa13 – Gurowitz      Actors, Systems, Levels of Analysis
Fa13 – Gurowitz      Causes of War
Fa13 – Gurowitz      Constructivism
Fa13 – Gurowitz      Human Rights
Fa13 – Gurowitz      Humanitarian Intervention
Fa13 – Gurowitz      International Political Economy
Fa13 – Gurowitz      Liberalism
Fa13 – Gurowitz      Trade and Globalization

public health 150B

Fa15 – Asa Bradman, Charlotte Smith      Final Exam Study Guide

sociology 1

Fa13 – Jill Bakehorn      Final Study Guide

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