Question: I want to be pre-med, but I don’t have a strong background in the sciences. Will I be okay at a school like Berkeley?Hi there! My name is Sylvia, an advisor for PEACE. Coming into Berkeley as a pre-med without having a strong science background may seem daunting. I was in the exact same boat when I started at Cal; the only AP science class I took in high school was AP Bio. My chemistry and physics skills were practically at an eighth grade level. It was intimidating being in large science classes in which everyone seemed to know more than me.

That said, being pre-med at Berkeley without a background in the sciences is perfectly doable if you know what resources are available. First, if you’re looking for a tutor, you’ve come to the right place. PEACE has free, one-on-one tutoring. Another great resource is the Student Learning Center, or SLC. They offer “study groups” for most core science classes, which meet for four hours a week and are taught by someone who has taken the class before and did well. SLC “study groups” are meant to highlight the important information covered in lectures and give you practice problems with which you can test your knowledge. The SLC also offers a “Chem P” class, which can help you prepare for Chem 1A. For more information about the SLC, please go to http://slc.berkeley.edu/.

Additionally, professor and GSI office hours may also help you in tough science classes. Don’t be shy about going to them! Sometimes all it takes is to sit down with your GSI for 10 minutes and have them explain a concept to you.

Always remember that you got into Berkeley because you’re smart and hard-working. If the Berkeley admissions committee didn’t think you could succeed, you wouldn’t have been accepted in the first place. It’s scary coming into Berkeley as a pre-med student, but it is totally doable if you use the resources available to you

About the author: ucbr

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