Hi everyone! Justin here.Some students have trouble deciding whether or not to minor in a
subject. I’m personally minoring in art history, and more often than
not I receive puzzled looks from my peers when I tell them I am also
pre-med. After all, why should a busy pre-med student have to pursue a
minor on top of an already busy schedule? Why even bother minoring in
a subject in the first place?

I believe all students should consider a minor if there is a subject
that highly interests them. I’ve always been fascinated with art
history since high school, and I knew it was something I wanted to
pursue in college in addition to my biology major. Although I don’t
see myself pursuing a career in art history, I am genuinely fascinated
with the subject enough that I want to learn more about it. That,
alone, should be your biggest indication on why you might want to

One great thing about minoring, in particular, is that it allows me to
take a breather from all my science classes. It’s just so refreshing
to take a class outside of my major each semester, and not have to sit
in class with premeds all the time! College, after all, is a time of
exploration: not just socially, but academically and intellectually as
well. The professors and students I’ve met in my art history classes
are so much different than those in my classes for my major. It’s just
nice to associate with different people and make the most out of my
liberal arts education.

So, if you know you definitely have the time to minor, I would totally
advise you to do it!

About the author: ucbr

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