On Making Time for Friends

Written By Anyun Chatterjee (PEACE Advisor)

A common problem college students begin to have around midterm season is making time for their friends. While it may not be an immediate priority for some, there is no denying the mental and even physical benefits of socializing. We are inherently social creatures and so by making time for our friends we allow our brains to destress and make new connections while it’s resting, both of which translate to better academic performance and even better physical health. That being said, rather than the “why” we need to, focus on the “how”. In the middle of midterm season it seems most students are holed up in the libraries or their apartments to study, and finding a free moment to spend with friends can feel impossible but it can be done!A key thing to realize is that all students must take breaks. Rather than spending a break eating and watching Netflix at your desk for each break, it might be helpful to coordinate breaks with friends and grab some boba or go for a walk while you regroup your thoughts before going back to study. For these breaks it’s important to set time limits and make those known to the people you are with to stay accountable. A common problem that occurs with study breaks is that they can turn into procrastination quickly, but when we tell other people that “I will go back to ____ to study in ____minutes” it becomes harder to justify to yourself and your friends when you procrastinate (a good tip for studying in general actually).

About the author: ucbr

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