
Building Blocks 

Written by Merel Dagher (PEACE Advisor)  Click “Read More” for the answer! The correct answer is e – monosaccharides with steroids. Amino acids are the building blocks of polypeptides and one or more polypeptides create a protein. Fatty acids are the building blocks of lipids, which are long hydrocarbon chains that are insoluble. Nucleotides...

Protein Instability 

Written by Merel Dagher (PEACE Advisor)  Click “Read More” for the answer.  The correct answer is b, c  or d. Primary structure of proteins involves the sequence of amino acids, which are bonded together by peptide bonds. Secondary structure involves the hydrogen bonds and their formation of either alpha helices or beta-pleated sheets. Tertiary...

Powerhouses of the Cell 

Written by Merel Dagher (PEACE Advisor) Click “Read More” for the answer.  The correct answer is a. Mitochondria do have their own DNA, which contributes to their own protein production, however the DNA found in the nucleus contributes to the cell’s overall protein production. They are highly folded, however it is chloroplasts that use...

Plasmodesmata and Gap Junctions

Written by Merel Dagher (PEACE Advisor)  Plasmodesmata in plants are most similar to gap junctions in animals. Why? a.     Plasmodesmata and gap junctions both allow for water molecules and other small solutes to pass          between cells. b.     Plasmodesmata and gap junctions both create a barrier between two sides of the...

Trans-Fat Complications 

Written by Merel Dagher (PEACE Advisor)  Press “Read More” to see the answers!  The correct answer is e. Let’s learn some chemistry before delving into the biology of this answer. Saturated fats refer to fats that have the maximum number of hydrogens bonded to their carbons, meaning that there are no double bonds. Unsaturated...

Estrogen and Negative Feedback Mechanisms

Written by Merel Dagher (PEACE Advisor)  Press “Read More” to see the answer! The correct answer is c. Feedback inhibition is where the product of a reaction feeds back and inhibits an enzyme responsible for one of the initial steps of the reaction. This can be seen in the process of glycolysis, where the...

ATP, NADH, FADH2 and all the other good stuff 

Written by Merel Dagher (PEACE Advisor)  Press “Read More” to see the answer.  The correct answer is a. Glycolysis, which occurs in the cytoplasm of the cell, produces a net total of 2 ATPs (there are 4 total ATPs created, however 2 are needed for phosphorylations of glucose and fructose) and 2 NADHs. In...

Rubisco Swag 

Written by Merel Dagher (PEACE Advisor)  Click “Read More” to see the answer.  The correct answer is d. Rubisco is responsible for carbon fixation in the Calvin Cycle during photosynthesis. However, rubisco can also bind oxygen instead of carbon dioxide, because it hasn’t evolved to distinguish between the two. Evolutionarily, this is explained because...

Mitosis v. Meiosis 

Written by Merel Dagher (PEACE Advisor)  Click “Read More” to see the answer.  The correct answer is a. Both of these processes involve cell division; however mitosis is purely asexual, whereas meiosis is sexual reproduction. During mitosis, a parent cell makes two identical sister cells; the ploidy (or sets of chromosomes) does not change...