
DNA Replication and mRNA Transcription 

Written by Merel Dagher (PEACE Advisor)  Click “Read More” to see the answers.  The correct answer is c. During DNA Replication, the process requires 5 total enzymes. DNAa begins the unwinding of the DNA strands; then helicase comes in and unwinds it completely; DNA Primase is needed to install an RNA primer to begin...

Med School Insights For Freshmen

Written by Raj Brayana (PEACE Advisor)  Med School Course RequirementsHi friends. There’s appears to be certain confusions and myths surrounding course requirements for Med school and I hope to clear and elaborate on this topic a bit more. Universal Course Requirements (One Year Each):BiologyGeneral Chemistry Organic ChemistryPhysicsMath (Calculus)EnglishFor many premeds majors, Chem 1A + 3A counts...

DNA synthesis and tRNAs

Written Merel Dagher (PEACE Advisor)  Press “Read More” to see the answer.  The correct answer is a. DNA grows in the 5’ → 3’ direction because the hydroxide group on the 3’ carbon will attack the phosphate group on the 5’ carbon, thus resulting in a phosphodiester bond formation between the 5’ carbon and...

Course Descriptions Demystified 

By Raj Brayana (PEACE Advisor)  Hi friends, My name is Raj Brayana and I’m a 4th year ChemE PreMed at Cal. Before I decided on my major, I was deciding between MCB, Physics, Chem, Chem Bio and ChemE, so I know a lot about the lower division courses and nuanced differences. As such,  I would...


WRITTEN BY RAJ BRAYANA (PEACE ADVISOR)   Med School Course RequirementsHi friends. There’s appears to be certain confusions and myths surrounding course requirements for Med school and I hope to clear and elaborate on this topic a bit more.  Universal Course Requirements (One Year Each): Biology General Chemistry  Organic Chemistry Physics Math (Calculus) English...

Building Blocks 

Written by Merel Dagher (PEACE Advisor)  Click “Read More” for the answer! The correct answer is e – monosaccharides with steroids. Amino acids are the building blocks of polypeptides and one or more polypeptides create a protein. Fatty acids are the building blocks of lipids, which are long hydrocarbon chains that are insoluble. Nucleotides...

Protein Instability 

Written by Merel Dagher (PEACE Advisor)  Click “Read More” for the answer.  The correct answer is b, c  or d. Primary structure of proteins involves the sequence of amino acids, which are bonded together by peptide bonds. Secondary structure involves the hydrogen bonds and their formation of either alpha helices or beta-pleated sheets. Tertiary...

Powerhouses of the Cell 

Written by Merel Dagher (PEACE Advisor) Click “Read More” for the answer.  The correct answer is a. Mitochondria do have their own DNA, which contributes to their own protein production, however the DNA found in the nucleus contributes to the cell’s overall protein production. They are highly folded, however it is chloroplasts that use...