Written by Merel Dagher (PEACE Adivsor)
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The correct answer is a. Both systems involve the hypothalamus, which produces GnRH, which then binds to the anterior pituitary and causes the production of FSH and LH. LH, in spermatozoa production, binds to the Leydig cells and causes the conversion of cholesterol to testosterone. FSH binds to the Sertoli cells and causes the conversion of testosterone to dihydrotestosterone, which promotes spermatozoa production. Testosterone can negatively feedback on this system – when levels get too high, Testosterone inhibits the production of GnRH, FSH and LH. In ova development, the same process takes place. Theca cells are analogous to Leydig cells and cause the conversion of cholesterol to testosterone. Granulosa cells are analogous to Sertoli cells and cause the conversion of testosterone to estrogen. Estrogen, produced in the Granulosa cells, can negatively and positively feedback on the system. Estrogen can prevent the production of GnRH and FSH and LH. However, when Estrogen levels get too high, positive feedback is initiated and estrogen can increase the production of GnRH, FSH and LH. The surge in LH signals the start of ovulation.