Written by Merel Dagher (PEACE Advisor) 

There are three layers of tissues in stems. What cells correspond with each respective layer?

a. Dermal: Epidermis, Periderm; Ground: Parenchyma, Collenchyma, Sclerenchyma; Vascular: Xylem, Phloem 

b. Dermal: Epidermis; Ground: Periderm, Parenchyma, Collenchyma, Sclerenchyma; Vascular: Xylem, Phloem 

c. Dermal: Epidermis, Periderm; Ground: Parenchyma, Sclerenchyma; Vascular: Collenchyma, Xylem, Phloem 

d. Dermal: Epidermis, Periderm; Ground: Parenchyma, Collenchyma, Sclerenchyma, Xylem; Vascular: Phloem  

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The correct answer is a. The dermal tissue layer consists of the epidermis and periderm, and they help protect the plant, as well as prevent water loss. Ground tissue is the next layer on the inside and has cells that photosynthesis, support the plant as it grows, and provide a very durable wooded portion. Finally, the inner layer is the vascular tissue and the cells found here are responsible for water and nutrient transport. 

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