When Life Gets Overwhelming…

Written by Merel Dagher (PEACE Advisor)

It’s week four of the new semester (can you believe it?) and everything has gotten slightly out of hand and overwhelming and things are rushed and nothing seems to be slowing down. It’s a really hard position to be in, especially given how much is going on and how little time you have to focus on one thing in particular. I’m currently in that boat, especially since classes have picked up. While academics themselves are tough to handle alone, throw in extracurriculars and social events and you’ve got yourself a nice mess of problems.

I’m currently trying to figure out how to get through this funk. It’s difficult (and very frustrating when other people seem to be handling things great and you’re just kind of sitting there, pondering how you’re going to manage everything) and I wish there was an easy way to make all of the problems go away. I don’t have a solution yet, but I think I’ve found some things to help me.

The first thing I do when I’m overwhelmed is nothing. I literally just go home, put on some music, and don’t do anything. I try to just think about my upcoming projects, and eventually I make a todo list. That way everything is laid out in front of me and I have a clear understanding of what I need to do.

Then, after that step, I do more of nothing. I either talk to my roommate or write or go for a walk; basically I’ve been doing things that’ll help me destress. Those activities help me put things into perspective, and remind me that there are ways to still enjoy life and to still feel in control. I find walks especially relaxing, because they let me look around the city and take in all of the activity and productivity (which I somehow hope will inspire and motivate me).

Then, I just do it. I just open my book or start my first project and I work until I’m burned out and want a break. Currently this strategy has been pretty helpful, and I’ve felt really productive lately. However, I always save some time for having fun. For example, today my roommate, best friend and I made tacos. And I’d say that was a worthwhile (and yummy) endeavor.

There’s never any easy way to deal with all the curveballs the semester throws. But hopefully we can take a step back, gather all of our thoughts, and slowly (but surely) get things done, one step at a time.

About the author: ucbr

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